Tequila Show

Tequila Show
Rating: 49
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Tequila Show
Cost of services
Average budget: 5000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


«Tequila Hot Show»
Fire and pyrotechnic show.
It will be a key and enchanting end to any holiday.
Decorate a wedding, anniversary, birthday, presentation.
Solo / Duo / Trio/The quartet.
The program of the performance uses a large number of various fire and pyrotechnic props.
Speech in blocks of 8/12/18/25 minutes.

«Tequila Light Show»
Light show.
Unusual author's performance costumes, LED props, a room with a three-dimensional light pyramid and a light sphere.
This show will create a bright, fabulous atmosphere for your event
Artists on the velkom zone. Go-Go party accompaniment. Colorful staged show numbers.
You and your guests will be pleasantly impressed by the event.

«Tequila inside woman Show»
INSIDE WOMAN-passion, tenderness, sexuality, strength and beauty-this is the inner world of a woman.
The ballet show consists of the best professional dancers in Moscow with dance experience of 7 years or more.
Each girl has a variety of dance styles, choreography
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/tequilashow

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