Presenter for corporate/wedding/party
Телефон и email
Bogdanov Denis
Cost of services
Average budget: от 5000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Friends, I could write below that I have already held billions of events, that I have centuries of experience, that my customers like my management so much that they invite me to spend holidays with them every day, morning and evening.
I could write that I am the most responsible, that only the guards in supermarkets are more responsible than me
I could say that I am the coolest, that only taxi drivers on priuses are cooler than me.
I could have promised you that the event that I will hold for you will be remembered so much that you will not be able to remember anything else at all.
BUT, I won't do that) Moreover, this is partly untrue)
I'll tell you just one thing.
Your event is always something personal for me. And my main goal is to make it really cool. Because otherwise it's my personal loss. And I hate losing)
Trust me, and I won't let you down.
Well, briefly, useless information:
-more than 4 years of experience in conducting events of any format
-they trust me (municipalities, FEFU, private companies and happy couples)
-I played KVN
-I studied at the FEFU TV media school
- participant of the creative project "Guud Show"
Write to me on WhatsApp or Telegram)
I could write that I am the most responsible, that only the guards in supermarkets are more responsible than me
I could say that I am the coolest, that only taxi drivers on priuses are cooler than me.
I could have promised you that the event that I will hold for you will be remembered so much that you will not be able to remember anything else at all.
BUT, I won't do that) Moreover, this is partly untrue)
I'll tell you just one thing.
Your event is always something personal for me. And my main goal is to make it really cool. Because otherwise it's my personal loss. And I hate losing)
Trust me, and I won't let you down.
Well, briefly, useless information:
-more than 4 years of experience in conducting events of any format
-they trust me (municipalities, FEFU, private companies and happy couples)
-I played KVN
-I studied at the FEFU TV media school
- participant of the creative project "Guud Show"
Write to me on WhatsApp or Telegram)
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Почему выбирают меня?
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