Leading tamada DJ for a wedding in Krasnodar

Leading tamada DJ for a wedding in Krasnodar
Rating: 49
Телефон и email
Cost of services
Average budget: 2000
pay is hourly. DJ 1800-2000 rubles per hour. presenter 1500-2000p, animator 1800-2400p, artist, showman or magician from 3000p
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


I am the host and tamada and DJ for a wedding, for an after-work party in Krasnodar. I also work as a DJ at a banquet with my music equipment. 16 years of experience in the event industry. there are no vulgar contests in the program and
indecent jokes that put guests in an uncomfortable position. no undressing guests no vulgar dancing and games. everything is decent, intellectually with meaning, the program is thoughtful to the smallest detail. I take into account the features of your event, your wishes. there are contests at the table with
guests of the older generation, interactive contests using a video screen and a projector with passive guests. dance and mobility contests for active guests. I conduct Christian and non-alcoholic weddings - there is a special
option. Equipment: 1400 watt audio speaker, two radio microphones, laptop, mixing console, video projector, smoke machine and soap bubble generator for special effects, cotton candy machine. I hold youth parties in the style of discopati, YouTube parties, insta parties, selfie parties,
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leading to the corporate party
tamada for the wedding
DJ for banquet
event organizer
holding holidays
animator for the holiday
soap bubble show
science show
projector rental
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/vedushchiy-tamada-didzhey-na-svadbu-v-krasnodare-fokusnik-animator-na-detskiy-prazdnik

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