Belly dance

Belly dance
Rating: 103
Телефон и email
Biblenova Viktoriya Alekseevna
To get a discount 5% say promo code
Cost of services
Average budget: 3500
The cost of one dance (RUB) - 3500 Two dances - 6000 Three dances - 8000 Over range + 1000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Want to bring a twist to your holiday?
 I will help you and the guests of your celebration to plunge into the atmosphere of the mysterious East
 My program includes:
- Princess Jasmine show (dance with Aladdin's lamp and LED vails)
- LED show (LED wings)
- dance with saber,
- with a shawl
- with vales
- with a cane
- interactive with viewers
- Asian fusion - dance with Chinese fans
- folklore (Khaliji, Saidi)
Ordering a show by phone: +7 (917) 209-93-06

The full portfolio can be found on my website:
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- Princess Jasmine show (dance with Aladdin's lamp and LED vails)
- LED show (LED wings)
- dance with saber,
- with a shawl
- with vales
- with a cane
- interactive with viewers
- Asian fusion - dance with Chinese fans
- folklore (Khaliji, Saidi)
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Dressing room
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News and announcements

28.02.2020 19:48 Seeing my show once, you will never forget it!

Asian fusion

Belly dance show in Moscow +7 (917) 209 93 06

Belly dance with saber

Belly dance show +7 (917) 209 93 06

Asian fusion. Chinese show in Mocow

Victoria Biblenova show +7 (917) 209 93 06
Raul Ferramdo - Yearning
From profile: Belly dance, genre: эстрада
Tony Mozayek - Bahiya
From profile: Belly dance, genre: поп
Artem Uzunov - Trr photo
From profile: Belly dance, genre: поп
Алан Менкен - Juhlatanssi
From profile: Belly dance, genre: эстрада
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