Vocal artist Victoria Golubeva

Vocal artist Victoria Golubeva
Rating: 44
2 -10%
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Viktoriya Golubeva
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Cost of services
Average budget: 20000 рублей
Depending on the time of employment and the number of vocal blocks, the cost of a performance varies from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. 2 songs at the request of the customer, which are not on the list of repertoire, announced at least a week before the performance, learn for free; over 2 songs: 5 thousand rubles for 1 composition.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Honored artist of the Crimea. Vocalist of pop, jazz, rock style. My work experience is more than 15 years. Stage experience as solo artist and with cover band, big band and orchestra.
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Typically 3 blocks of 30 minutes dance or lounge program. At the request of the customer, the blocks can be reduced or increased. A large list of repertoire in Russian and English, the program of the repertoire is discussed in advance with the customer.
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3-way high-quality audio system, at least 1 kW in power. High-quality mixing console with built-in or external voice processing (compressor, reverb). Radio microphone Shure SM 58, Shure beta58 or Sennheiser 945. (in his absence, I bring my microphone)
1 quality in-air system with headphones (Shure or Sennheiser). Switching and corresponding channels for audio playback from external media: laptop or tablet.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/vokalistka-viktoriya-golubeva

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