Jonni Wind

Jonni Wind
Rating: 59
Телефон и email
Zhenya Vind
Cost of services
Average budget: 200000
The fee, technical support, accommodation, travel are negotiated with each organizer individually, the budget depends on the composition of the participants, the distance of the move and the format of the event. Write to messengers and email, we will send you a detailed household and technical rider.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Famous folk musician, singer and actress Zhenya Wind
Most of all music /.../ It is similar to a fractal, where the main motif is refracted at different angles of the "mirrors" of genres, but remains itself. This genre subordination makes it easy to "change mirrors" and move from one musical dimension to another without losing integrity. Transitions are unpredictable, but at the same time logical, and therefore, despite the complexity of the musical fabric, YoGa songs are listened to easily, fresh and modern.
For such experiments, you need to have courage, talent, and an excellent educational background. Zhenya Wind, the leader of the group, has all this. She is a composer, arranger, soloist and frontwoman. But more importantly, Zhenya is a professional folklorist, behind whose shoulders there is a serious scientific school dating back to Vladimir Propp. (Yes, the one whose "Fairy Tale Morphology" is the basis of any Hollywood film).

This background pushes the musician to do something more than performing traditional music in a way that is understandable to a modern listener.
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The program includes original compositions in different languages of the world, arrangements of folk songs of Russia, the Balkans, medieval European songs, jazz and blues classics, all organically intertwined in one program.
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Женя Винд - Конь бежит
From profile: Jonni Wind, genre: поп
Женя Винд - Дубровушка
From profile: Jonni Wind, genre: кантри
Женя Винд - Ой, горька
From profile: Jonni Wind, genre: кантри
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