AngelinaAnna artist

AngelinaAnna artist
Rating: 59
Телефон и email
kanakova Anna ( AngelinaAnna )
Cost of services
Average budget: 20000
Concert from 20000 rubles departure to another city from - 60000 rubles . Order cost may vary , depending on the duration , abbitional features and participants , touring to another city .
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Hello Friends ! AngelinaAnna is an author and singer . Songs in Russian, English and French languages .
Very fashionable music , positive about love . Music on digital platforms for you ! AngelinaAnna .
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Concert ( additional participants , effects , at the discretion of the order and cost.
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Create all comfortabli conditions for the artist : concert venue , hotel ( if traveling toanother citi ) , taxi , shower ,
dressing room , food , non alcoholic drinks ( everything can be discussed and options considered ). Notify about the order in advance, and discuss all customer requirements . 50% prepayment . Report changes to the order , if any .
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Type: другое
Современная красивая поп - музыка . АнгелинаАнна несёт позитив , Олицетворяет положительными эмоциями .
АнгелинаАнна ( автор Анна Канакова ) - Страсть
From profile: AngelinaAnna artist, genre: поп
АнгелинаАнна ( автор Анна Канакова ) - Легато
From profile: AngelinaAnna artist, genre: поп
Анна Канакова ( псевдоним АнгелинаАнна ) - You are my chaos
From profile: AngelinaAnna artist, genre: поп
Анна Канакова ( псевдоним АнгелинаАнна ) - Je veux un fils de toi
From profile: AngelinaAnna artist, genre: поп
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