Eugene Lendziane

Eugene Lendziane
Rating: 27
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Evgeniy Lendzian
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Russian musician, author, producer, composer, designer. The author of the "Vozvrashchenie" musical based on the story of V. M. Shukshin. Author of translations, music for movies.

In 1999, he graduated from the Opera vocal school of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation A. Ya. Tolmazov. 2 years lived and worked in Germany (Hamburg), in 2006 he returned to Russia. In 2010, he began working on the "Vozvrashchenie" musical. He wrote about 100 songs, including several American old ballads translated into Russian. His music is heard in historical documentaries, such as "100 years of the revolution", "The House on Shpalernaya " and others. The founder of genre rock, a participant of festivals and music projects. The genre of the works combines soulful melody, bright and expressive vocals, original, plot texts.
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Minimum rider: 2 crane stands, 1 microphone for electric and acoustic guitar, 1 vocal microphone.
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