K.B.BAND (Katty Barcelona Band)

K.B.BAND (Katty Barcelona Band)
Rating: 45
Телефон и email
Barcelona Katty Band
Cost of services
Average budget: 100000-150000
Тайминг выступления варьируется в зависимости от формата мероприятия (от 40 до 90 минут с делением на блоки) Стоимость также может корректироваться в зависимости от бюджета мероприятия, условий, удаленности и т.д. Работаем как с физическими так и с юридическими лицами по договору. С барами отдельные договоренности - обсуждается.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Hi, we are a cover band "K. B. BAND"!!!:)

and we are ready to make your holiday an unforgettable, bright event that will leave a joyful impression for a long time!
K. B. BAND is a form in which freedom manifests itself!

The cover band together with the exciting vocals of Katia Barcelona are ready to convey this feeling to every spectator who came to a concert, club, corporate party, wedding or other event!

Trust the feeling of freedom, choose with us the most joyful moments of life!
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1. Michael Jackson - Give in to me
2. Shakira - Оbjection Tango
3. Total - B'et po glazam
4. Swanky Tunes - Day by day
5. Pink - Crazy (Gnarls Barkley cover)
6. Tina Turner - Simply the best
7. Linda - Malo ognya
8. Jessie J - Price tag
9. Zivert - YaTL
10. Zemfira - Nu pochemu
11. Amega - Letet'
12. Britney Spears - Toxic
13. Blur - Song 2
14. Pink - U+your hand
15. Michael Jackson - Black or white
16. Irene Cara - Flashdance/what a feeling
17. Shocking blue - Venus
18. Guns n roses - Knocking on the Heaven's door
19. Bruno Mars - Runaway baby
20. Europe - The final countdown
21. Maroon 5 - This love
22. Chicherina - Tu-lu-la
23. AC/DC - Highway to hell
24. Linkin Park - Numb
25. Lady Gaga - I Wish ( Stevie Wonder Tribute )
26. Madonna - Like a virgin
27. Adam Lambert - Ghost town
28. Monetochka - Kazhdiy raz
29. Queen - I want to break free
30. Katy Perry - Hot and cold
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Equipment list
1. Drum installation
- Floor volume, mounted, barrel
- stands for iron 3 piece
- stand hihat
- stand for small
- drum chair
- sound-proof screen ( according to the situation )
- carpet
2. Guitar stack - 1 piece
2. Bass stack - 1 piece
3. Stands:
- microphone - 2pcs
- keyboard-1 piece (depending on the selected composition of musicians)
- guitar-2 pieces
4. Microphones:
vocal - 2 PCs
- per barrel - 1 piece
- for small - 1 piece
- for iron stereo pair - 1 PC
5. Mixing console
- digital-1 piece
- router + tablet - 1 pair
6. Additionally
- music stands - 2 PCs
- audio switching
- network switching
7. Employees:
- sound engineer-1
-stage technician-1
8. Other
Shipping in both directions
- unloading/loading
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/KBBAND-Katty-Barcelona-Band

News and announcements

10.11.2020 00:51 Welcome to the performance of the cover band K. B. BAND in "Bolivar Bar" 15.11.2020 !


Type: развлекательное мероприятие
Выступление кавер группы Katty Barcelona Band (K.B.BAND) на Турнире Гильдии Музыкантов в Bolivar Bar.
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