Dance group Jam Moscow
Телефон и email
Cheredeeva Nadezhda Petrovna
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30 000
Цена зависит от количества артистов, удаленности от Москвы и занятости в вашем проекте.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Dance decoration for your event. We make it delicious, we’re creative, we execute it professionally.
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✅ Folk dance
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✅ Welcome
✅ Мaster classes
✅ Variety
✅ Welcome
✅ Мaster classes
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Ансамбль - Калинка
From profile: Dance group Jam Moscow,
genre: другое
МАРФА - Во поле
From profile: Dance group Jam Moscow,
genre: другое
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