Water ballet mermaids

Water ballet mermaids
Rating: 59
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Vodnyy shou-balet Mermaids
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Cost of services
Average budget: 150000
The cost of the show program depends on the number of artists, the number of dance’s, the content of the show program.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Mermaid's water ballet is a unique synchronized show that will become the highlight of your holiday by the water. The show program can be adapted to different types of pools and other reservoirs (on request). The synchronized swimming ballet has vast experience of performing at world-class Lux events. Our ballet show is Wow !! Effect for your guests!
Fire show in water
Mermaid show
Synchronized Swimming Show
Participation in photo and video projects.
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Synchronized Swimming Show
Mermaid show
Fire show in water
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Standard conditions water ballet Mermaids

Technical needs:

-The depth of the reservoir is not less than 130cm. The area is not less than 2 * 2 m.
-Water temperature at least 23 degrees Celsius. (If the water temperature is lower, the fee may be increased.)
- Ability to bring loud and high quality sound to the pool.

- A separate dressing room with a shower, a mirror with good lighting, bathrobes for each artist and towels.
- availability of drinking water, tea, coffee, snacks, 2 bottles of champagne.
- transfer payment: air.
- Meeting and travel to the hotel, concert venue.
- Hotel accommodation
- provision of three meals a day, or daily allowance (from 60 Euro (negotiable !!) per person per day.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/vodnyy-balet-Mermaids-rusalochki

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