Rating: 59
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We are X-Drums-a group that performs original compositions on the Handpan -an instrument that combines cosmic sound and modern rhythms, ethnic flavor and relevance to our time.
Despite the fact that the hang is often associated with traditional tools, in fact, he is still very young. Thanks to its absolutely magical and unique sound, the handpan quickly found a response in the hearts of people around the world, and was loved by musicians and the public. It combines the softness of sound and the strength of a steel alloy, the cold of metal and the heat of human hands.
In our performance, you can hear both lyrical and meditative melodies, as well as incendiary rhythmic compositions, but always memorable and inspiring.
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author's musical compositions, covers of famous melodies are possible
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microphones, racks, sound. for small rooms acoustic performance is possible
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/X-DRUMS

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