Party cover band

Party cover band
Rating: 37
Телефон и email
Kochetkov Andrey Vitalevich
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30000
15 thousand rubles - 1 bright duet exit for 2 songs (for example, as a wedding gift or a concert number) 20 thousand - 1 incendiary exit for 20-25 minutes 30 thousand - 2 incendiary exit for 20-25 minutes 40 thousand - 3 incendiary exit for 20-25 minutes Each subsequent exit + 10 thousand PRICE for holding negotiated INDIVIDUALLY! We guarantee unbridled dancing, energy, drive and positivity! 💜
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Our band can offer a program for the whole holiday evening or decorate a part of it with their performance.

Repertoire of 1000 songs, where you will definitely find both world hits and your favorite songs.

What can we offer ❓

➔ Concert / wedding / party / corporate event and any other event
➔ BOMBIC disco;
➔ Vivid concert numbers;
➔ Lounge (quiet) compositions (welcome-zone)

Our staff is only 2 people, which means there will be
simple technical rider but you will get so much drive and crazy energy that you will want more! See for yourself, we've collected hundreds of good reviews and made more than 100 thousand people happier.

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What can we offer?

➔ BOMB disco;
➔ Holding a concert / wedding / evening / corporate party and any other event
➔ Bright concert numbers;
➔ Lounge (calm) compositions (welcome zone)

From 1 cover band out for 10 minutes as a surprise
Up to 3-4 cover band performances for 25-30 minutes
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