EXTRAVAGANZAA drums & dance company

EXTRAVAGANZAA drums & dance company
Rating: 77
Телефон и email
Shou Ekstravaganza Barabannoe i tantsevalnoe
Cost of services
Average budget: 20000 - 50000
The estimate for each specific performance is calculated separately and depends on the number of exit numbers, the number of artists on the site, transport and other expenses, the distance of the move, the performance of special additional tasks, etc. Payment can be made either in cash or non-cash.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


"EXTRAVAGANZA" is an exclusive dance show of DRUMMERS
for events of any format and scale.
The unique performance program combines several genres (choreography, vocals, drumming). It is suitable for events of any format and is in great demand.
Thanks to the variety, colorfulness and emotionality, professionalism and clarity of execution, it is ideal for an event of any nature:
- weddings, anniversaries, corporate parties
- birthday parties or private parties
- festive concerts
- mass events on city stages and stadiums
- presentations and conferences, exhibitions and competitions
- - award ceremonies and promotions
- sports events
- themed parties in nightclubs and entertainment venues
- events and holidays for vacationers in resort towns

We charge with emotions! We give impressions! We guarantee a WOW effect and vivid memories 🔥 🔥 🔥
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1) Ceremonial drummers
2) Gatsby-style entree
3) Balkan Show
4) Red Black Drums Drum Show Fire!
5) Hot Brazilian Carnival
6) Passionate Flamenco
7) Caucasian legend. Lezginka
8) Drum Show Army
9) Disco 80x-80x
10) Armenian dances
11) Kuban Cossacks. Twisting sabers
12) LED laser show
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/extravaganza-tancevalnoe-barabannoe-shou

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