The Magician-Fraudster Eduard Gramm

The Magician-Fraudster Eduard Gramm
Rating: 81
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Gramm Eduard Olegovich
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Cost of services
Average budget: 10000
MICROMAGIC Direct interaction with the audience. All tricks are performed at arm's length. This type of entertainment for guests is suitable for the Welcome-zone or the buffet part. From 40 minutes to an hour spent in company with me, the guests will not notice, as they will be involved in the process of tricks. A variety of props and unforgettable emotions are provided. Price: 8000₽ STAGE BLOCK Interactive show program. Constant contact with a wide audience, involving different people in an impromptu number. The stage block is designed for 20-25 minutes of continuous surprise and good mood. Price: 10000₽ MICROMAGIA + STAGE BLOCK The most powerful combo that is possible at your event! The guests are "warmed up" by micromagic and react as vividly as possible to the stage interactive performance. If desired, the block can be divided into 2 outputs and micromagia can pass between them during a break. Price: 13000₽
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Back in 2010, I watched the David Blaine show, which gave a giant kick to the study of magic! For the first 4-5 years, I was doing magic tricks for 9-12 hours a day, as you already understood, my success at the university was a C)) after that, I realized that the world of magic does not stop on maps and began to study all possible props. Now I am a resident of the Red Rabbit Magic Workshop, a member of the international club of illusionists and just a man who loves his job and is ready to share his love and joy with you!
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Сценическое шоу
Combo 2 в 1
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Although it would be a chair)
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16.11.2021 07:11 This interview with the magazine is an Expensive Pleasure: EDUARD GRAMM Not a magician, but an illusionist who will give you faith in a miracle.

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