Folklore Theater "Our Courtyard"

Folklore Theater "Our Courtyard"
Rating: 41
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The folklore ensemble "Our Courtyard" shows children musical and interactive game performances in Russian folk themes.
Live singing, playing folk instruments such as balalaika, zhaleika, flute and others.

The program also includes life-size dolls, master classes.

Our artists have musical education and extensive experience working with children, their own professional equipment and decorations. Authentic folk costumes.

The performance is off-site.
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We present 3 programs:
"Winter Fun"
The performance gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of winter games and fun that exist in Russia.

In the coldest month of winter, everyone went to visit, played and sang songs.

A cheerful entertainer grandfather and a funny Bear will come to the guys. Children will hear the live sound of voices and instruments, and they will lose games.

So there are such representations in the program as:
"Krasnaya Gorka"
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