Ihor Yavorskyy

Ihor Yavorskyy
Rating: 65
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Yavorskyy Ihor
Cost of services
Average budget: 150000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Ihor Yavorskyy

Famous singer, composer, conductor, pianist and music teacher.
This singer combines elegance and graceful presentation of his songs. A favorite style of the musician – jazz. But no less bright and energetic in his performance sound, blues, pop and classic.
Ihor has a considerable experience of performances on various concert stages. The singer will present an relaxed and refined atmosphere to any your event.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/ihor-yavorskyy

Ihor Yavorskyy - High mountain pass (soundtrack)
From profile: Ihor Yavorskyy, genre: классика
Ihor Yavorskyy - Apres Toi
From profile: Ihor Yavorskyy, genre: поп
Ihor Yavorskyy - To Caruso
From profile: Ihor Yavorskyy, genre: эстрада
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