Singer Olga Kuzmina
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Olga Kuzmina
Cost of services
Average budget: 20000-30000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Olga Kuzmina is a singer with a soft, but at the same time rich and bright mezzo-soprano, which is subject to almost all known musical styles. The singer's repertoire includes works from a variety of genres, from opera to jazz. Olga loves to experiment and try herself in different genres. She successfully performs both Russian romances, songs from Soviet films, and jazz compositions, arias from musicals and crossover songs.
The singer is active in concert activities, collaborating with various musicians.
Her performance leaves no one indifferent, touching the strings of the soul, and a rare combination of professionalism and sincere living of the song -Olga's distinctive feature.
The depth, meaningfulness and warmth of the performance leave a mark on the hearts of listeners so that
I want to come to her concert again and again
The singer is active in concert activities, collaborating with various musicians.
Her performance leaves no one indifferent, touching the strings of the soul, and a rare combination of professionalism and sincere living of the song -Olga's distinctive feature.
The depth, meaningfulness and warmth of the performance leave a mark on the hearts of listeners so that
I want to come to her concert again and again
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Ж.Бизе. Хабанера из оперы «Кармен»
Сартори. Time to say goodbye
Vivo per lei (Bocelli)
Autumn leaves
Вечная любовь
Memory (Cats, Webber)
You raise me up (Secret Garden)
Libertango (Piazzolla)
Summertime (Gershwin)
Je t'aime (Lara Fabian)
The Praver (Bocelli)
Jo soy Maria (Piazzolla)
Besame mucho
Be my love
The man I love
Adagio (Albinoni)
Ave Maria
Moon river
Laschia chio pianga (Handel)
Never enough (The greatest showmen)
All I ask of you (Phantom of the opera)
Now we are free (Gladiator)
История любви
Не спеши
Очи черные
На тот большак
Не слышны в саду даже шорохи
Старый рояль
Любовь настала
Чертово колесо
Виноградная косточка
Ваша Величество Женщина
Любовь-волшебная страна
Верни мне музыку
Город влюблённых людей
Колокольчики мои
Твои следы
и т.д.
Программа очень обширная и включает песни разных стилей и жанров от джаза до оперы
Ж.Бизе. Хабанера из оперы «Кармен»
Сартори. Time to say goodbye
Vivo per lei (Bocelli)
Autumn leaves
Вечная любовь
Memory (Cats, Webber)
You raise me up (Secret Garden)
Libertango (Piazzolla)
Summertime (Gershwin)
Je t'aime (Lara Fabian)
The Praver (Bocelli)
Jo soy Maria (Piazzolla)
Besame mucho
Be my love
The man I love
Adagio (Albinoni)
Ave Maria
Moon river
Laschia chio pianga (Handel)
Never enough (The greatest showmen)
All I ask of you (Phantom of the opera)
Now we are free (Gladiator)
История любви
Не спеши
Очи черные
На тот большак
Не слышны в саду даже шорохи
Старый рояль
Любовь настала
Чертово колесо
Виноградная косточка
Ваша Величество Женщина
Любовь-волшебная страна
Верни мне музыку
Город влюблённых людей
Колокольчики мои
Твои следы
и т.д.
Программа очень обширная и включает песни разных стилей и жанров от джаза до оперы
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