Sharmanka \ Drehorgel \ Busker organ

Sharmanka \ Drehorgel \ Busker organ
Rating: 43
3 -5%
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Aleksandr Loskutov
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Cost of services
Average budget: 10000
Стоимость указана за один час работы.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Exclusive! Performance with a handmade street organ!
The repertoire of street organ melodies is quite large and quite entertaining: Glenn Miller medley, Strauss medley, Cancan, a song from the musical "Oliver!", the songs "Downtown", "Something Stupid", "In the Jungle", and a very relevant story now - the Christmas song "Jingle Bells Rock".
Only about 40 minutes.
Let's add a touch of vintage sound!
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Glenn miller medley
Strauss medley,
Song from the musical "Oliver!",
"Something Stupid",
"In the Jungle",
"Jingle Bells Rock".
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Необходимо удаление от основной сцены или звукоусиливающее устройство.
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