Comic striptease

Comic striptease
Rating: 29
Телефон и email
Voronich Dmitriy Valerevich
Cost of services
Average budget: 3000
+logistics, delivery services
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


A great guest will "congratulate" your loved ones and work colleagues,"professionally perform the service," giving unforgettable, vivid emotions to others. Inviting Star-sized dolls has become a tradition in our region.
Birthday greetings, flower delivery, a meeting at the maternity hospital, discharge, seeing off and returning from the army (There is a hot Growth girl for this), a bachelorette party, and a bachelor party, a star artist will reconcile lovers, a solemn red ribbon, on the day of the opening of the doors of the business, any promotions and distribution leaflets, to attract customers, urgent visits for a congratulatory gift, congratulations to the director and any other possibilities that have no limit. The main tariffs for the service are lower than👇.

Departures with different price categories:
1) 🌟 Economy - 2000 rubles. (only the growth head)
2)🌟 A growth doll - 3000 rubles.
+ logistics of the way
Call, write, I will be happy to answer all your questions.

We go to instagram: Growth Doll 64
Or we are looking for: Instagram
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