Presenter and director

Presenter and director
Rating: 57
1 7 -15%
Телефон и email
Sinitsin Aleksey Mikhaylovich
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30000
The budget includes the preparation of the program, coordination with the customer and the holding of events lasting up to 3 hours. DJ is not included.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Professional actor and director, graduate of St. Petersburg Theater Academy

Wide experienced in organizing and conducting events of various levels from small corporate holidays to the St. Petersburg Law Forum.

Events 2017 - 2019:
• New Year in the restaurant “St. Martin" 2018, 2019 (St. Petersburg) - director and presenter
• Corporate holiday of the company "Nanokukhni" (St. Petersburg) - director and presenter
• Presentation of the Paul Smith boutique in the Golovkin House (Samara) - director and host
• Interactive program "Dreams of Dostoevsky", Museums Night 2018 (Dostoevsky Museum) - director and actor
• New Year's company in the restaurants "Cork", "Fish" and "Fish in the country" (St. Petersburg) - presenter
• Poetic evenings in the restaurant "Severyanin" (St. Petersburg) - author and presenter
• Festival "Neskuchny Sad" (Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg) - presenter
• Birthday of the clinic "EMC" (St. Petersburg) - director and presenter
• Corporate event of the clinic "EMC" (St. Petersburg) - director and presenter
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The program is compiled individually in accordance with the characteristics of the holiday and the wishes of the customer. I collaborate with various professional musicians and artists.
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