Виталий Зорин

Виталий Зорин
Rating: 61
4 -5%
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Zorin Vitaliy
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"Зорин в Сочи"
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Average budget: от 3000 руб.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


The "golden voice" of the city of Borodino - that was not a joke called me in my city! I grew up in Khakassia, but the creative path brought him to the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the city of Borodino. As part of the creative union "Svetoch", together with the team, leader Pavel Kuznetsov and sound engineer Igor Shevchenko, they released an album that was immediately nicknamed "Russian Enigma"!
A mixture of folk vocals and modern arrangements made these songs recognizable not only in the region, but also far beyond its borders.
In the future, my paths as a soloist and leaders parted, and each began to move in his own direction - "Svetoch" flew to conquer Krasnoyarsk, and I joined the famous folklore ensemble "Krasna Rus".
Here began my development in Russian folk art! Traditional song and instrumental music, folk dances - all this has firmly penetrated my life and left its mark forever.
Two years ago I moved to Sochi and now I am developing as a solo artist, trying myself in various genres.
I have a special sympathy for the retro hits of Russian and foreign pop music.
Muslim Magomayev is one of my favorite performers, who undoubtedly influenced my development as a vocalist!
My creative life in Siberia was rich and multifaceted: a host of events, an actor in various theatrical productions, a sound engineer! But still, music and favorite songs are the paramount things that always make my heart beat and cause a storm of emotions in my listeners!
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/vokalist-v-sochi-vitaliy-zorin


Эдуард Хиль - Хмуриться не надо Лада

Гордый Суэк

Исполнение гимна компании "СУЭК" на чевствовании шахтёров!


Песня Арно Бабаджаняна - "Ноктюрн"
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