Rating: 73
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Dmitrachkov Dmitriy
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ON THE EDGE - is a Russian rock band from Novosibirsk, playing music of their own composition in the genre of alternative rock. The musical direction ranges from grunge to nu metal. The name of the band reflects the desire to experiment and the desire to go beyond the usual styles. The music of "ON THE EDGE" is filled with the energy of heavy drive and lyrical depth. She has been on the Russian stage since 2003 and during this time has managed to gain popularity among fans of alternative music.

Dmitrachkov Dmitry - guitar, music, management
Konstantin Pankov - drums
Igor Gritsai - vocals, lyrics
Andrey Reliable - bass
Vitaly Filonov - vocals, lyrics
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2 parts of 30 minutes each.
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Part I. Line.
1. The need for subwoofers as part of the speaker system: - At the discretion of the organizers.
2. The number of monitors (how many and to whom): - 4 monitors minimum (vocals, drums, guitar, bass).

Part II. Backline.
1. Drums:
a) The composition of the drum kit: - Standard kit (Bass drum, alto toms, floor volume)
b) The need for a snare drum and its parameters. - Snare drum (birch, or metal).
c) The required number of cymbals: - Hi-hat, Crash 16", Crash 18", Ride 20, Splash, China.
d) The required number and type of racks for plates in addition to the Hi-hat: - 5 Racks (crane).
e) The need for a pedal or gimbal: - An Iron Cobra gimbal.
f) The need for a laptop rack and an outlet next to the drums: - Need for a smartphone.

2. Bass:
a) Bass guitar amplifier: - Gallien-Krueger.
b) Bass guitar cabinet: - Gallien-Krueger.
c) The need to sound the bass amplifier with a microphone: - yes.
d) Switching: The presence of a cable of sufficient length with Jack 6.3 mm male/Jack 6.3 mm male connectors to connect the guitar processor to the Return amplifier.
e) Power supply: The presence of an extension cord of sufficient length to connect the guitar processor.

3. Guitar.
a) Guitar amplifier: - Orange Rockerverb 100 MK ll, or Mesa Dual Rectifier.
b) Guitar cabinet: - Orange 4*12.
c) The need to tune the guitar amplifier with a microphone: - yes.
d) Switching: - The presence of a cable of sufficient length with Jack 6.3 mm male/Jack 6.3 mm male connectors to connect the guitar processor to the Return amplifier, or the presence of cables with XLR female connectors – 2 pcs., of sufficient length to connect to the remote control.
e) Power supply: - The presence of an extension cord of sufficient length to connect the guitar processor.

4. Microphones.
a) Quantity and desired brand-model of microphone: - 1 Shure SM58 microphone.
b) Quantity and type (inclined / crane) Racks: - 1 rack.
c) The stock of the microphone cable wire: - At the discretion of the organizers.
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NAGRANI Band - Sutra (Live in Higain studio, 2021) HD

Rock band ON THE EDGE, video for the song "Sutra", recording from the concert on 10/29/2021 Location: "Higain Rock Bar" The band "ON THE EDGE" Dmitrachkov Dmitry - guitar, music Konstantin Pankov - drums Andrey Reliable - bass Igor Gritsai - vocals, lyrics Bondur Ivan - Synths...

NAGRANI Band - Forget about Everything (Live in Podzemka, 2022) Censored version, HD

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